COVID-19 Response

Friday, JULY 31, 2020

After careful consideration regarding the health and safety of all our stakeholders, BSides Calgary has decided to move to an online format for 2020. We strongly believe that BSides Calgary is a valuable event for the cyber security community within southern Alberta.

As such, we are announcing that we will be hosting BSides Calgary November 12-13th, 2020! We're looking forward to providing a great and engaging conference for all attendees, with even more content and opportunities than the previously planned event. Please stay tuned as we look to re-open registration as well as provide details on what registration means for attendees that already pre-registered for the event and training sessions in March.

Please bear with us as we try to bring you the best virtual event possible. Stay tuned to this website, and the official BSides Calgary Twitter account @bsides_calgary for further updates.

Friday, MarCH 13, 2020

In response to declarations of risk as well as public health restrictions on mass gatherings within the Province of Alberta (link), BSides Calgary is monitoring the spread of COVID-19 both locally and globally. We strongly believe that BSides Calgary is an event crucial to the cyber security community within southern Alberta and want to bring a safe, and valuable, event to all attendees.

As such, we are reserving the time between now and April 2nd, 2020 to review the situation and determine the best and most appropriate path forward for the event. We will be postponing the conference to a later date within 2020. We will be taking this time to engage with and determine plans of action with all stakeholders; our host institution, sponsors, trainers, vendors, speakers, volunteers and attendees. At that time we plan to have another communication out to the public.

Please bear with us as we try to bring the best (and safest) event to you. Stay tuned to this website, and the official BSides Calgary Twitter account @bsides_calgary for further updates.